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Smiley heeheehee SouthPark Minecraft Stardew Summer! MFDOOM MSI Käärija TallyHall LemonDemon MachineGirl KMFDM TypeONegative

MusicCurrently Playing: Love You to Death (instrumental) - Type o NegativeMusic


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(Sorry the this page might look weird on diff types of computers (|||o_o))

It is I...Aria thyself! Very Merry December too or something

I am attempting to learn howta make website n shit

Oh and Finnish too cos yeah Finlands cool

ESTP i think and very life experienced man (15)

Im feeling:

The current mood of Aria11_26 at



Life activities of my own (๑•᎑•๑)ᐟ

CLICK MEEEEEE (pretty pleaaasseee?)



Justsome pretty neat stuff on the web (^^;)

(she Aria on my 11- til I 26)


Satw Hitoshi Velvet Blue MEOWCO Ranfren


I have a child

Pls look after him as I work on my site



faith KMFDMstamp SpiritPhone SpiritPhone Smile! mmmmwaffle awesomesauce ^.^ hanginthere Miku Hell IMGOINGRABID oren


Burning in Hell Simulator!

Simulate the experience of the dark pitsof hell itself here!


RedAndYellow norwayeurope TypeO